Siamese Cat as Pet – Price in India, Colours, Temperament & Training

Siamese Cat as Pet

This breed originated from Siam, Thailand, where it lived in sacred temples before being domesticated for the first time in Shanghai. Siamese is the most social of all cat breeds in the world, and they enjoy the company of all pets and people.  This furball will shower you with love and compassion if you give him the … Read more

Sphynx Cat – Price in India, Personality Trait & Care

Sphynx Cat Price in India Personality Trait and Care

A leather-like hairless skin is what characterizes the Sphynx cat. Canadian beauty began in Toronto in 1966 due to a random genetic mutation that led to hairlessness. This fascinating breed always draws attention from many people- some adore the bald, leathered look, some are less than animated, while the cat entices others.  If you take … Read more

Ragdoll Cat – Price in India, Size, Temperament & FAQs

ragdoll cat price in india size temperament

The Ragdoll cat breed originated from California thanks to Ann Baker, an American breeder in the 1960s. They are one of those breeds greatly adored worldwide because of their sweet nature. Just like a doll! The Ragdoll loves cuddles and attention. Why not give yourself the chance to experience the best moments as a cat … Read more