The Ragdoll cat breed originated from California thanks to Ann Baker, an American breeder in the 1960s. They are one of those breeds greatly adored worldwide because of their sweet nature.
Just like a doll! The Ragdoll loves cuddles and attention. Why not give yourself the chance to experience the best moments as a cat lover?
How Much Does the Ragdoll Cost in India?
The price of a Ragdoll differs from one city to another. This is due to the differences in location and reputability of breeders.
On an average in India Ragdoll cat can cost Rs. 20,000-Rs. 35,000 and in some cases price may go up to Rs. 60,000. It is a pretty expensive breed due to its exquisite beauty and demand.
Factors Affecting the Cost of Ragdoll Cats in India.
The prices of Ragdoll cats are different for every city. The primary cause of this is the differences in breeders’ reputability and availability. For instance, it will cost you more to get a Ragdoll from Mumbai than in Bangalore and Delhi.
Ragdoll kittens are usually more expensive than adult Ragdolls. Sometimes, a potential buyer must pay a deposit for the kittens even before they are born due to their high demand. Furthermore, cat lovers prefer their Ragdolls at this age to enjoy maximum companionship from them.
Breeders’ Reputability.
All breeders work under a similar code of ethics and regulations but charge differently for their Ragdolls and related services. Why? A highly rated breeder sets his prices slightly higher than the one who isn’t.
We kindly urge you to get your Ragdoll from a reputable breeder; the expense is worth every penny.
Ragdolls come in different quality categories with different prices. For instance, the Show Quality Ragdolls are more highly-priced than the Breeders’ and Pet Quality. The former is undoubtedly selected and bred to meet the best breeds standards.
On the other hand, Breeder Quality Ragdolls are created to fit breeding purposes, while the Pet Quality ones are more of just a pet since they miss the markings required to take part in shows. It will cost you even more to get a mix of Show and Breeders’ Quality Ragdoll.
Health Record.
A ragdoll with deformities and other health issues will be cheaper than a perfect one. Buyers don’t want to incur extra medical expenses and have their Ragdolls disqualified from shows for being imperfect.
Secondly, vaccination keeps diseases at bay and guarantees you a healthy and exotic pet; thus, be ready to pay more for a fully vaccinated Ragdoll than a non-vaccinated one.
A microchipped Ragdoll costs slightly higher than a non-microchipped one. Microchipping comes as an added advantage as you get all your pet’s details just from scanning the chip. It similarly acts as a permanent identity for him.
About and History.
The origin of this beloved breed traces back to the 1960s in California. The breeder, Ann Baker’s foundation, had a stock of several long-haired cats from the neighborhood whose ancestry was unfamiliar and a domestic long-haired cat, Josephine.
Josephine had a white coat with a camouflage of black tuxedo patterns or a seal mitted gene.
Baker then picked other large-sized cats with a calm personality and a magnificent long coat and thus attained the Ragdoll cat.
The Cat Fancier Association (CFA) started registering the cats in 1993 and gave them full acknowledgment in 2000. Ragdoll was also certified by the American Cat Fanciers and the International Cat Association. Today, the Ragdoll is the sixth most popular cat breed worldwide.
This breed consists of thick-boned and large cats, with the males weighing an average of 14-17.5lbs(6-8kg) and the females weighing 12-16lbs (5-7kg). Their height stands between 9-11inches and a length of 17-21 inches except for their fluffy tail. You will enjoy a lifespan of 12-15 years with your Ragdoll baby.
These cats are an unmatchable beauty! The head is proportional to medium-sized ears and a triangular face, while the eyes are oval blue. The hind legs display longer heathery breeches, while the front ones show shorter hair. Their tail is long and fluffy with a stunning plume.
Ragdolls have a medium-sized body with limited features. They have a long and attractive coat which makes them appear larger than they are.
You can find the Ragdoll cat in a variety of colors and patterns. Cream, lilac, red, seal, blue, and chocolate are the most recognizable colors.
Their fur also comes in various primary designs: (i)color point (light body color with dark coloring on its ears, face, and tail); (ii)mitted (shows point but with white feet and chin) and (iii)the bicolor (has dark pointings, white legs, and an inverted V on its forehead).
Temperament & Character.
Do you want to experience the most precious cat parent life ever? Get that, Ragdoll! These furry babies are heart-warming and compassionate to their close family members.
They have a puppy-like commitment to their humans as they follow them around looking for affection and will even greet them at the door when they get home.
The Ragdolls are gentle and hardly make noises not unless something is amiss. When it comes to child-friendliness, Ragdolls score 4.5 out of 5 stars. With that, it is safe to leave your kids around them as they enjoy their games and attention. However, ensure the former is well-trained in handling the cat to avoid minor injuries.
Ragdolls also blend well with other pets due to their affectionate nature.
The Ragdoll is not an aggressive cat, but leaving him alone for a long time might result in boredom and anxiety and, hence, the destruction of valuables. Being an intelligent breed, Ragdolls are good keepers and doers of the knowledge they acquire through training.
Ragdolls are generally an easy-to-train breed, thanks to their high intelligence and compassionate nature. They get the tricks pretty fast because of their high energy and love to play. Our advice is you start training your Ragdoll at its kittenhood so that the knowledge grows with them.
Here are some tips for a healthy training session with your doll.
- Have a regular timetable for training. Unexpected changes in routine will get them less excited.
- Offer healthy rewards to your kitty if he acts accordingly.
- Positive reinforcement is what keeps them encouraged to train smarter.
- Give full attention during sessions and respond quickly to his actions to stimulate him.
- Give your Ragdoll some time off amidst training sessions and keep the sessions short. This makes it less draining and more fun.
There are plenty of things you can train your Ragdoll on; Ranging from clicker training, litter training, walking on a leash, obedience training.
They are hairy; thus, their grooming is not a cakewalk. The long fur gets matted and tangled quickly, thus needing frequent grooming. Don’t take this as a heart-rending task but rather more of a bonding session for you and your cat.
Brush your doll’s coat at least twice a week to keep matting at bay. Bathing is not that necessary as long as the coat is kept tidy. Trim their claws regularly to hinder them from housing dirt.
Keep the ears clean to reduce the chances of related infections. Your cutie’s beautiful eyes should remain clean and have no signs of discharge.
Essentially, please visit the vet with your Ragdoll for check-ups at least twice a year. During these visits, your cat may need its teeth attended to and get a suitable flea prevention method (if necessary).
Are Ragdolls well-suited to be a family cat?
A big yes! This breed makes a perfect family doll. They adore being around their humans so much, which earns them the nickname “puppy-cat.” They are equally attached to children as long as you teach them how to handle the dolls.
You won’t have to worry about leaving your Ragdolls with other pets as well.
Are Ragdolls hypoallergenic?
A: Yes. These cats lack an undercoat which is mainly known for causing excessive shedding. If you are allergic to cat hair, worry less, for you are safe with this breed.
However, this cat’s saliva is likely to trigger allergic reactions towards persons with such allergies.
Is the Ragdoll an outdoor cat?
No. Ragdolls like their space tiny to move around and be close to their humans. Having them in a large room brings boredom and anxiety, leading to destruction.
Oh! And don’t leave them outside alone, for their beauty is just a temptation to thieves.
So, now that you have the essential details about the Ragdoll cat breed why not consider one for your home today?
Before you become a Ragdoll parent, it is crucial to understand that this breed is highly demanding in time and money, but their affection is worth every coin.
We trust that this piece will be of massive help to you, a potential Ragdoll parent.