Sphynx Cat – Price in India, Personality Trait & Care

A leather-like hairless skin is what characterizes the Sphynx cat. Canadian beauty began in Toronto in 1966 due to a random genetic mutation that led to hairlessness.

This fascinating breed always draws attention from many people- some adore the bald, leathered look, some are less than animated, while the cat entices others. 

If you take your time to learn about this darling, a great goodie is awaiting you! 

How Much Does the Sphynx Cat Cost in India?

Due to their striking look, Sphynx cats are quite pricey in India. Generally Sphynx costs between Rs. 18,000- Rs. 45,000 in India. Sphynx cat price can vary from state to state and also depen upon the reputability of breeder you are buying from.

Factors Affecting the Price of a Sphynx Cat in India.

The Reputability of the Breeder.

A reputable breeder procreates not for profit gains but the love of cats and breed enhancement, while the disreputable ones do it intending to sell quicker. 

For that reason, principled breeders tend to charge higher for their products than untrusted ones. 

Our advice; Get your Sphynx cat from a trusted breeder to be sure of its health and genealogy. 


Sphynx cats come in two primary categories; Show Quality and Pet Quality. 

The undoubtedly bred Show quality Sphynxes fit the following characteristics:

  • A rugged, muscular body,
  • Lack of cosmetic flaws,
  • Can take part in shows and 
  • A flourishing coat. 

On the other hand, a Pet quality Sphynx cat is considered more of a pet. With that, a Show quality Sphynx costs more than the latter.

The Rare Nature of the Breed.

Sphynx cats are one of those hard-to-find breeds.

Sometimes, even your local pet vendor might lack one requiring you to travel to a respected breeder who majors in them. And that’s an added cost!

Surprisingly, a few breeders have extra-ordinary Sphynx cats that cost more than the typical one. 

Some stockbreeders have to enlist their customers because these cats aren’t broadly obtainable as any other breed. 


Gender in Sphynx cats has a significant influence on its final price. 

In general, unspayed cats cost more despite the breed. In our case, an unspayed female Sphynx cat has the potential to procreate, unlike the male ones, thus being overly-priced.  

If you desire to have a clowder of Sphynx cats in your home, then grab an unspayed female and a tomcat to reproduce on your own. 


The price of Sphynx adults is usually higher than that of kittens. This is because adult cats are robust and more independent.

However, you might get fairer kittens from a lower quality breeder, a move we highly discourage for these offsprings may develop several medical issues. 


The Sphynx cat breed is prone to several conditions like Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, Progressive Retinal Atrophy, Polycystic Kidney Disease, and Feline Upper Respiratory Disease.

Breeders watch adult Sphynxes by occasionally testing them, impacting their final price. 

About and History

Although the old Aztecs reproduced hairless cats centuries ago, the modern-day Sphynx is a Canadian breed arising from the unexpected genetic mutation in Toronto, in, 1966 which led to its hairlessness.

Some breeders liked the hairless cat and procreated ones that perpetually produced hairless successors. 

Initially known as the Canadian hairless, the strain arrived in America, and specialists bred cats with this recently discovered hairless gene to produce Sphynx cats. 

This breed continues to be a sought-after pet solution in North America and attaining admiration in western Europe. 

In 2002 and 2005, the Cat Fanciers Association and The International Cat Association respectively approved the Sphynx. 

Several other individualistic cat clubs in Europe also certified the breed, although their standards slightly differed from CAF and ICA. 

A few purebred cat registries disapproved the Sphynx cats in the belief that the breed’s hairlessness is a genetic deformity that could cause harm to individual cats’ longevity and health. 

The most remarkable characteristic of Sphynx cats is their hairlessness. They have a medium-sized bonny body, with the females weighing 7.8-8.8lbs (3.5-4kg) and the males 8.8-11bs (4.5kg). 

These cats also come in a perfect height of 8-10 inches (20-25cm) and a length of 13-15 inches (33-38m). You get to celebrate a lifespan of 9-15 years with your Sphynx pet. 

This beauty has a wedge-shaped, slightly long head with a semi-rounded skull and large ears. Sizeable lemon-shaped eyes with a sharp point towards the ears and a straight nose make the cat even more beautiful.


Proportional to the body is sturdy and ably-muscled legs, with the hind ones a bit longer than the front legs. The tail is long, slender, and lash-like, narrowing to a fine point.  

The “hairlessness” doesn’t necessarily mean these cats lack any hair at all. The tail, nose, feet, and ears possess a few short, fine hairs. They have wrinkles all over their body but lack whiskers. 

Sphynx cats come in a range of colors and patterns as a shade in their skin, making it harder to differentiate than in coated feline. 

They can be patterned (calico, tortoiseshell, tabby, point, mink, and bicolor) or solid (red, lavender, brown, white, and black). 

Temperament and Character

Snuggly, affectionate, and a gymnast describe these stunning baldies. They are good at climbing on shelves and doors and balancing on ropes to seek their humans’ attention and entertainment. 

This cutie adores his owner’s company; he will often offer a helping hand to your activities and even receive you warmly when you get back home. 

Don’t be surprised to find your Sphynx doll waiting for you under the sheets; she loves sleeping with its humans. 

We encourage you to get at least two of them to keep each other engaged while you’re away or occupied. For safety reasons, keep this mischievous kitty outdoor to prevent minor injuries. 

Never worry about leaving a Sphynx cat with your kids, for she perfectly mingles with them. 

The lack of fur reduces the risk of pulling and plucking, which would otherwise irritate her. They also socialize well with other pets. 


While training a cat seems to be a strenuous task, with the Sphynx cat, it’s undemanding. 

These cats are curious and intelligent, crucial training aspects. Scoring 5 out of 5 stars for playfulness, they engage in tricks pretty well. Start your training early enough, and you’ll thank me later!

Leash, clicker, obedience, and litter training are the essential lessons to offer your Sphynx. 

For more fun training sessions, we’ve outlined a few tips for you: 

  • Always apply positive supplementary; Harsh words tend to have the cat less interested. 
  • Keep the training sessions short.
  • Normalize offering healthy treats to your darling for performing well.
  • Focus on a particular task at once. While it’s practicable for a Sphynx to learn several things altogether, this will only have him more exhausted and less stimulated.
  • Offer full attention during sessions and, most importantly, have a consistent training timetable for your Sphynx. 

Many people presume that this hairless breed requires less grooming, which is wrong. Just like any other pet, get your Sphynx bathed at least once a week.

Even worse, their oily skin could turn greasy if not well maintained. Use medicated shampoos and natural moisturizers on this breed.  

Applying sunscreen to this outgoing baby’s skin is essential, especially on hot days. Clean your cat’s ears at least twice a week; Due to hairlessness, dust and dirt gathers very first and could result in blockage and related infections. Regularly trim your cat’s claws without going too deep in them to avoid injuries. 

Sphynx cats, just like humans, are prone to acne because of direct exposure to outside elements. Accumulation of dirt may result in blackheads; thus, cleaning is vital. 

Maintaining your cat’s body warmth in all seasons is essential.

 We believe that these pointers will be of help to you and your Sphynx:

Cold days:

  • Wrap them in heavy blankets and clothing
  • A heated cat hutch is also advisable for extra warmth.
  • Offer frequent meals to increase their metabolism.

Humid/Warm Days.

  • Offer enough cool air to prevent overheating.
  • Frozen treats are a great deal for these days. 

Are sweaters necessary for these cats?

Yes. Considering that these cute kitties are “naked,” sweaters and other warm clothing are highly commendable. Although not all cats like clothes, introduce them to your Sphynx at its kittenhood and patiently study her reaction to it. 

Are Sphynx cats hypoallergenic?

Most people presume that Sphynxes are hypoallergenic because they shed lesser than other breeds. Nevertheless, allergies in cats are due to the presence of Fed d1, a protein present in their saliva and skin. So, lack of hair in these cats doesn’t mean less sternutation.

Are Sphynx cats completely bald?

No. You thought so, right? The Sphynx isn’t entirely hairless but does have some fine hairs on their nose, ears, tail, and feet. The fur is short and hard to recognize from a distance. 

Generally, the Sphynx is a hardy breed. Be prepared to offer your time, energy, and regular cleanups if you’re confident that this is the breed for you. 

Patience and consistency are all you require to train your cat near-perfect.

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