Amazingly colorful, friendly, and full of character, the Sun conure has been the most-beloved companion bird in the world.
These parrots are brilliant, easy-to-train pets with cheerful personalities, best suited for a family setting.
Sun conures have loud vocals and cry. If you are self-assured that this is the pet for you, this bird will shower you with lots of love and affection.
How Much Do Sun Conure Birds Cost in India?
The price differs from bird to bird due to several factors. For instance, a low-quality Sun conure costs an average of Rs. 18,700 while the pure-bred Show-quality one goes for Rs. 37,500.
Get your Sun conure from a reputable breeder for a guaranteed health condition and genealogy.
Factors Affecting the Cost of Sun Conure Birds in India.
Baby Sun conures usually cost lower than adult ones.
The former requires high maintenance and attention as they are less resistant to diseases.
Adult Sun conures are highly-priced as they have been well vaccinated and maintained to conquer any new environment.
Be ready to sacrifice more money for a Show-quality Sun conure than a Pet-quality one.
The former usually costs higher due to its luxurious features, making it suitable for bird shows and competitions.
Low-quality Sun conures are considered more of just a pet.
The rarity of the breed
Today, Sun conures are one of the most endangered breeds worldwide.
Their population is highly decreasing due to the lack of habitat and hunting for the pet trade.
The few breeders with these birds tend to overprice them due to their high demand and scarcity.
Health Status
As we highlighted earlier, baby Sun conures are less resistant to certain conditions. The breeders have to vaccinate and properly monitor them until adulthood, affecting pricing.
No buyer wants to keep tripping to the vet and back for treatment. That would be an added expense.
Health Issue. | Cause/ Sign. | Suggested Action |
Diarrhea |
Maintain a proper diet.
Consult a vet |
Chlamydiosis |
Consult a vet |
Polyoma Virus |
Seek a vet’s attention. |
Feather Plucking |
Keep boredom at bay by offering more attention and toys.
Consult a vet |
About & History of Sun Conures.
This beauty originated from northern South America, largely Guyana, north of Brazil and Venezuela.
Generally located in tropical habitats, the birds may also occupy the coastal forests and dry savanna woodlands. They’re majorly after palm groves and fruiting trees.
For many years, the Sun conure pet trade occurred until 1992 and 2007, when the U.S and the European Union banned importation.
Despite the ban, roughly 800,000 birds still trade every year, leading to a decrease in population. The breed is today considered endangered due to habitat loss and pet trade.
These vocal, expressive, and lively birds capture global attention for their chirpy mouth and beauty.
An adult Sun conure measures approximately 12 inches in length inclusion of the tail.
Their weight ranges from 100-130g (3.5-4.5oz) and a lifespan of about 15-30 years well maintained.
A purely-bred Sun conure comes in a bright yellow-orange coloring and green scars on its tail and feathers. This magnificent coloring makes the Sun conure the most desired breed globally.
Other stunning features are the sparkly white rings around its eyes, a black beak, and a long tail narrowing to a point.
Male Sun conures appear more shinny with a flatter head while the females have a circular, smaller head- a guess only experienced breeders can tell from a good eyeing. Otherwise, there are no specific differences in pet quality.
Playful, talkative, and affectionate is what describes the Sun conure. They adore being around their humans and getting their full attention.
So acrobatic, lying on its back or swinging from a rope-amusing! Their interactive nature makes them the easy-to-train doll.
Typically, the Sun conure can make a perfect family pet if well attended to but could turn aggressive if suddenly provoked. This darling undergoes nippy phases that make it hard on kids and adults.
However, that doesn’t reflect its personality, for even the most disciplined pet birds can get agitated and bite. It’s just a simple feedback mechanism.
Have it in mind that these birds are extremely loud. But on the positive side of it, these screams can be used to bring attention if something unusual happens-a perfect watchdog version for your home.
Although not as talkative as other parrot breeds, Sun conures are brilliant and can be trained on various tricks from flipping, waving, toilet training, stashing coins, basic spinning to fetch training.
These birds need stimulating mental exercises as they are a high-energy breed.
We’ve highlighted a few factors to consider before you start training your Sun conure:
- Relationship- Don’t start the training sessions as soon as your bird gets home but rather take time to build a strong bond together.
- Age- While young Sun conures are easier to train, don’t be discouraged if yours is older. Start training him one trick at a time.
- Personality- Each Sun conure has its character. Take time to understand yours better before training starts.
For practical training sessions with your baby, consider these various ideas.
- Patience- Sun conures can be moody and complex sometimes; quite challenging for an impatient parent.
- Positive supplement- Using harsh words on these clever birds is less interesting for them.
- Clear distractions- Open windows, colorful toys, and people crisscrossing during your training session are likely to distract the bird.
- Full attention- Offer maximum attention to your cutie while training to keep him stimulated.
- Timeliness- Short and fun sessions are ideal. Don’t let your bird tire too much with long boring sessions.
This breed doesn’t require much grooming as other parrots, but always keep these essentials in mind.
- Nail trimming- Trim their nails weekly or monthly. Be careful not to hurt their claws during trimming.
- Beak trimming- It doesn’t have to be regular not unless your bird has an underlying liver disease that causes an unusual beak growth. Otherwise, Sun conure’s beaks usually maintain a perfect condition with daily use.
- Feather Clipping- If your bird’s five topmost flight feathers have grown longer than required, it’s important to clip them. The aim is to prevent escape and injuries during their athletics. Consult a vet before cutting them.
More importantly, maintain 650-850F temperatures and adequate air circulation for your Sun conure.
Caging a Sun Conure Bird.
These birds are natural acrobats who love flying, jumping, and being all over; thus prefer their space roomy.
The cage should be large both horizontally and vertically- a minimum of 24 inches (width), 24 inches (length), and 30 inches (height).
The space from one bar to another should be at least an inch for the safety of your bird’s head.
Provide horizontal bars on one or two sides of the cage as these babies love climbing. It would be happier to stretch their wings for short flights and hop around the cage.
During the breeding season, offer a larger cage than usual to accommodate the two lovebirds and Jane’s comfort. Roughly 30 inches (length), 30 inches (width), and 48 inches (height) are the ideal measurements for breeding Sun conures to keep noise and aggression at bay.
What’s the essential diet for Sun conure birds?
Your Sun conure’s diet should comprise 60-70% of balanced, smoothed, and nutritionally complete food and smaller quantities of fruits and vegetables. Fortified seed treats are essential, although rarely. Don’t forget to refill their water bottles every day.
Can Sun conures talk?
Although not as talky as other parrots, these birds can copy their humans’ sounds when taught. They are known for their screams, alarming their owners when something uncommon happens.
How good are Sun conures with kids and other pets?
These birds adore being cuddled and babied, thus, performing well with kids. Although they may sometimes get moody, that doesn’t describe their nature. A well-socialized Sun conure interacts pretty well with other pets.
While bright looking and compassionate at first sight, the Sun conure demands energy and attention.
If you’re confident that this is the bird for you, be ready to offer your time and energy and bear with its ear-piercing screams.