Pug Dog as Pet – Price in India, Grooming, Temperament & More

The Pug is a passionate canine bursting with great character.

This dog loves to stay indoors with his humans and continuously seeks the attention of young ones.

Famously known as clown dog, this sturdy breed exhibits a sense of humor and often attempts to give one’s airs. 

Originally bred to be a lap dog, the Pug thrives on being a house dog. 

How Much Does The Pug Cost in India?

Though the Pug isn’t the most exorbitantly priced dog, it still isn’t low priced. The average price for a Pug puppy in India is Rs. 12,5000. Usually, the price ranges from Rs. 5,000 to Rs. 20,000 and is influenced by several factors such as the Pug lineage, the breeder’s quality, and the seller’s location. 

Factors Affecting The Cost of the Pug In India

The city of purchase

The price of the Pug varies by location, that is, city, region, or state. 

If you’re considering getting your pup from a far-off state or city, you must consider traveling expenses. 

It is better to purchase a high-priced Pug in a nearby city or close to home than buying a lower-priced Pug far away from home.

Breeder Credentials

A breeder can either be reputable or non-reputable. It’s always advisable to go for a reputable breeder no matter how high their fees are.

Reputable breeders are responsible and ethical. They’re more likely to prioritize litter health over customer demand. 

An excellent place to start checking for reputable breeders is the Kennel Club of India. This body governs the registration of litters and examines thousands of kennels every year to authorize those that breed ethically. For instance, a puppy mill is unlikely to be certified by the kennel club, therefore avoid them at all costs.

Despite the higher costs of puppies sold by reputable breeders, it’s worth the mind ease knowing your Pug’s history. 

Lineage and Pedigree

A Pug’s bloodline is the most crucial factor for the price range observed in Pugs. Thanks to their increasing demand, the price of pedigree Pugs is quickly escalating.  

A pedigree canine is purebred. Such dogs have a minimum of three generations with no crossbreeding. 

However, some people express concerns over the overbreeding of pedigree canines. Using the same dogs for the offspring means that puppies don’t get the genetic heterogeneity required for physically fit dogs.

Inbreeding can cause mutations and degenerative diseases, which ultimately lowers the pup’s life expectancy. So, getting a pedigree Pug isn’t necessarily beneficial despite their prices being high. 

Pugs with quality lineage cost more than Pugs without quality linage.

A quality lineage includes champion lineage. The more contestant champions there are in your pup’s heritage, the costlier it will be. 

In some cases, a dog can fetch a premium price if it has an impressively long list of predecessors.

Breeders that KCI registers can assure you of their pup’s lineage. 

Coat Colors

The AKC recognizes only two Pug coat colors- black and fawn.

However, recently breeders have been developing rarer colors. While it’s somewhat unorthodox to sell different colored Pugs for varying prices, some reputable breeders do this. 

It makes sense when you think about it because if all coat colors were sold at the same price, the most demanded ones would sell like hot cake while the less popular colors would be left behind. 

Brindle-colored Pugs are often more expensive because they are hard to come by. Other highly-esteemed colors include apricot, silver, and apricot fawn.

The classic fawn Pug with a black splash on the face is beautiful and deserves to be sold at a premium fee. But we’ll let you be the judge of that. 

About and History

The Pug’s origin dates back to 206 B.C.-200 A.D. in China during the Han Dynasty. The Pug is believed to be cousins with the Tibetan Mastiff. 

The Chinese adored the breed, hosting them in their luxurious homes and using them as house guardians. 

Pugs started migrating to European countries in the late 1500s and early 1600s when the Chinese began trading with Europeans. The Dutch traders called the Pug ‘Mopshond’, a name that is used to date.

Pugs quickly gained fame among the Europeans and became a personal favorite for many nobilities, and they began to be given different names. In Spain, it was called ‘Dogullo’, in Germany, ‘Mops,’ in Italy, ‘Caganlino,’ and in France, ‘Carlin.’

The Pug was recognized as a breed in the early 19th century, portraying two family trees. 

The pioneer lineage named the Morrison line was discovered among Queen Charlotte’s Pugs. Lady and Lord Willoughby d’ Erasby coined the other line among Pugs obtained from Hungary and Russia. 

The British took more Pugs from the Chinese during the 1860 Chinese Revolution. Two purebred Pugs called Lamb and Moses were bred to produce a puppy called Click. Click then became responsible for shaping the modern Pug we adore today. 

During the Victorian era, Pugs were displayed in figurines, paintings, and postcards. They were adorned with sizeable colorful neck collars that made them look like clowns. 

AKC first recognized the Pug breed in 1885. However, by the onset of the 20th century. Its popularity had begun to decline. But thanks to the efforts of a few dedicated breeders, the Pug quickly rose to fame again. 


The Pug’s iconic look is characterized by deep-set forehead wrinkles, a flat muzzle, and round protruding eyes. 

The ideal weight of a healthy Pug is 20 pounds or 9 kilograms. Both male and female Pugs weigh and measure the same. Generally, an adult Pug measures 10-14 inches or 25.4 cm- 35.56 cm. 

Chinese legend says that the Pug’s face wrinkles symbolize good luck, particularly those that spell out ‘prince’ in Chinese syllables. 

The Pug’s appearance is striking with beauty marks on the cheeks, a symbol of the thumb on the forehead, a black trace that lines the back, and a black muzzle. An undershot jaw supports all these amusing facial features. 

The ears are black and soft to the touch, while the thin tail curls like a spring. 

Pugs have a short lustrous coat that is double-layered, which means they shed heavily, especially during summer. Their primary coat colors are black and fawn, but they also come in other shades such as apricot and silver. 

Temperament and Character

Pugs are goofy characters that exude royal dignity. They live for adoration and get emotional when ignored. 

This breed can be strong-willed, which makes housebreaking quite challenging. Crate training proves effective in numbing their stubbornness. 

Pugs love to get the attention of their humans. So, expect your Pug to stalk you all over the house or sit on your lap when you watch tv.

In general, Pugs were born to make you happy! They are not fierce guard dogs like the German Shepherd. They are typical lapdogs who are always contented with resting on your laps. 

This breed is quite strong for its small stature, so he’s hardly a victim of rough child play as he can stand up for himself. 

A Pug will not play or chase you around. He is way too charismatic for child play. 

Beware as Pugs can be manipulative. Don’t let your pup take advantage of your soft side. You must be just as firm as you are loving.  


Pugs have a short concentration span. To keep your pooch focused, begin with focus training. Keep the training exercises short- at least 15 minutes is enough.

Next, teach your Pug to obey basic commands such as come, sit and stay. If his short concentration span is making your training hard, think about enroling for a canine obedience class.

Firmly discourage chewing behavior because Pugs have an unhealthy chewing habit. Teach him to obey the ‘drop it’ command so that he can drop something he picked up that shouldn’t be chewed. 

Remember to use positive support such as praises, petting, and treats during training. This will psyche your Pug to follow your every command. 

Crate training is essential for your Pug. 

Using your pup’s favorite toys or treats to entice him to enter the rate will make him comfortable. 

It’s important to set a bathroom schedule so that your puppy knows when to go potty. This will help to reduce messes around the home. 

When your Pug is young, arrange consistent bathroom breaks. Take him out after he wakes, 15 minutes after his meals, and right before bedtime.

If you have a family, involve everyone else in the training process to make your pup feel included. This will help him feel appreciated and loved. 

To prevent confusion, ensure that everyone uses the same command and training schedules. Even the tone of voice should be the same, and no one should let him get away with unhealthy habits such as chewing. 


When it comes to grooming, Pugs are high maintenance. Their double-layered coats tend to retain odor, and their forehead wrinkles can conceal debris and moisture, which increases the risk of yeast infections. 

The Pug’s skin is also prone to dryness, and fold-over ears can accumulate dirt relatively fast. 

So, to properly groom your Pug, you should do the following:

  • Bathe him every 2 to 3 weeks.
  • Sponge bath cleaning is needed as often as possible. 
  • Clean the wrinkles every day by wiping them dry with a clean, dry piece of cloth.
  • Brush his coat every day to reduce shedding. 
  • Wipe the eyes every day. 
  • Clean the ear flaps several times a week.
  • Trim his claws every six weeks. 

Use quality shampoo and conditioner for the baths. Remember to dry your pup’s ear flaps and in between the toes, as these areas are highly prone to yeast infection if moisture accumulates. 

Doggie wet wipes help in spot-cleaning in between baths. You’ll need to clean the genital region, the underbelly, and the rear end. Wiping the entire body helps remove dirt, fine particles, and allergens that often cling to the fur.

Wet doggie wipes also come in handy when wiping down the skin folds on the forehead. You should perform this exercise at least once a day and ideally thrice every day.

A slicker brush helps to reach deep down into the Pug’s coat to remove dead hair that gets trapped. The goal is to brush your pup’s coat from head to toe every one to three days. 

A great alternative to the slicker brush is the grooming glove that prevents your hand from getting tired as there’s no handle to hold onto. It works so effectively that you won’t have to repeat brushing as you would with the slicker brush. 

Are Pugs quality dogs?

Yes. Ideally, a healthy pug will live up to 13-15 years. Pugs also possess the qualities of a great dog. They are outgoing and playful, they get along well with kids and other pets, are even-tempered and affectionate. Pugs make awesome companions and adapt quite well to small indoor spaces

Are Pugs hostile?

Overall, Pugs are extremely friendly and loving. However, they can get aggressive when not adequately socialized. Pug hostility is often manifested in barking, growling, lunging, and nipping.

Pugs also become aggressive when left alone for too long to demonstrate their unhappiness. 

Given that their aggression results from fear, you need to socialize your Pug with other pets, people, and noises to get rid of their anxiety. 

Are Pugs prone to health conditions?

Yes. Dog breeds with flat faces and short-snouts like the Pug are prone to certain health conditions such as Brachycephalic syndrome. This disease causes respiratory distress and the inability to cool the body, particularly the face. Pugs are also prone to hip dysplasia and obesity. 

It is crucial to provide your Pug with sufficient water throughout the day, monitor his weight frequently, and schedule regular vet check-ups to monitor his health.

Are Pugs cruel?

Far from it, Pugs are sweethearts. Though their stubborn nature makes them seem standoffish, they are generally super friendly, and consistent training and socialization help curb this stubborn attitude. 


If you don’t mind frequent grooming and a slight clumsiness, the chunky Pug is an ideal dog for you. Make your choice to get yourself this delightful, lovable happy-go-lucky chap from a reputable breeder today. 

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