Saluki Dog as Pet – Price in India, Breed History, Temperament & More

Saluki Dog

Can you believe it? Saluki is one of the oldest dogs breeds! DNA evidence has proved this antiquity. They are some of the best-looking dogs out there with excellent hunting intuitions. The medium-sized hounds are known to chase almost anything and everything that moves. The strength and perseverance these canines possess are pretty much incomparable. … Read more

Maltese Dog – Price in India, Colours, Temperament & FAQ’s

Maltese is no less than a show-stopper dog with a floor-length shiny white coat. One can rightfully label them as ‘beauties with brains.’  The canines flaunt their aristocratic looks and have been a part of royal families for ages now. The adorable tiny breeds are playful toy companions one can have.  You can’t go by … Read more

Dobermann Dog- Price in India, Temperament, Health & More!

Doberman dog is a medium-large sized powerful dog that acts as a protector of its family and creates a strong animal-human bond. They have a noble appearance but are often stereotyped as being aggressive. It has a sleek look and is a loyal guardian dog with intelligence and energy. They are often chosen as military … Read more

Pug Dog as Pet – Price in India, Grooming, Temperament & More

The Pug is a passionate canine bursting with great character. This dog loves to stay indoors with his humans and continuously seeks the attention of young ones. Famously known as clown dog, this sturdy breed exhibits a sense of humor and often attempts to give one’s airs.  Originally bred to be a lap dog, the … Read more

Pomeranian Dog as Pet – Price, Lifespan, Temperament & More

Pomeranian dog breed is smart and curious that is also known as a toy dog breed because of its small size. It is named after the Pomerania region in northwest Poland and northeast Germany in Central Europe. How much does a Pomeranian dog cost in India? The cost of the Pomeranian dog puppy often vary … Read more

Kanni Dog – Price, Temperament, Lifespan & Breed Facts

Kanni dog looks similar to a Greyhound. Yes, the Kanni dog may look like a coursing hound, and is popular in South India. This dog breed is also known as Maiden’s Beastmaster in South India. This royal breed is only found in two colour variations – black and sable and black and tan How much … Read more

Cane Corso – Price in India, Appearance, Grooming & More!

You see a dog with a wide forehead with crumples and a broad chest? You know it’s Cane Corso!  They are the guardian/ working dog breeds who love to have the assignment to complete.  Think wisely before choosing the dog breed. Corsi is among the most devoted dogs but requires an appropriate parent, a strict … Read more

How Do Dogs Apologize? How Do Dogs Say Sorry to Humans?

Being a dog parent you may have noticed that your pooch gets bored at home when he/she is left alone and finds something to entertain himself. When you arrive, you may have found chewed shoes and pillows lying in your house and your dog sitting in a corner. From stealing food from the kitchen cabinet … Read more

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